SAS Installation Documentation


  • Pay attention to every instruction, as even the smallest mishap can break the system. Follow them exactly.
  • Everything inside single quotes ( ' ' ) refers to a name and should not be copied or used.

1. Before Installation

  • If installing on a new PC, have the SAS user sign into the computer to create their profile.
  • Preferably perform the installation while they are logged in. If not, you can use your own profile (instructions to work around this will be provided later).

2. Install Required VC++ Redistributables

These packages are required for the ODBC driver to function correctly with all necessary runtime libraries.

3. Configure the Oracle Database Client

  • Download and extract the Oracle Database Light package (named 'instantclient_12_2'):
    • Navigate to: \\helix\Programs\Oracle\Oracle Instant Client
    • Extract to C:\
    • Extract to the same location.
    • The folders will merge, and the 'instantclient' folder should contain an ODBC install and uninstall inside it.
    • Run odbc_install.exe as ADMIN. No feedback will be provided when the installation is successful.

4. Copy the 'tnsnames.ora' File

  • Navigate to: \\helix\Programs\Oracle\Oracle SQL Developer
  • Copy the 'tnsnames.ora' file and paste it into the InstantClient folder you extracted earlier in C:\.

5. Prepare the SAS User's Profile

  • In the SAS user's profile (C:\Users\%USERNAME%):
    • Create a folder named 'Oracle' (case-sensitive). If it already exists, that's okay.
    • Navigate to: \\helix\Programs
    • Copy the folder 'Oracle Client SAS' and paste it into the 'Oracle' folder.

6. Setting Environment Variables for the SAS User (if logged in)

  • Open Control Panel. Search for "Edit environment variables for your account."
    • Create a new variable:
      • Name: ORACLE_HOME
      • Value: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Oracle\Oracle Client SAS\network\admin (replace %USERNAME% with the SAS user's username).
    • Edit the Pathvariable in the top panel.
      • Add the value: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Oracle\Oracle Client SAS\network\admin
  • Open "Edit the system environment variables" (requires admin credentials).
    • Add a new system variable:
      • Name: TNS_ADMIN
      • Value: C:\instantclient_12_2
    • Edit the system Path variable and move C:\instantclient_12_2 to the top.

7. Setting Environment Variables (if not logged into the SAS user account)

  • Navigate to the SAS user profile in File Explorer. Enable hidden items and unhide 'NTUSER.DAT' in the properties.
  • Open Regedit as admin.
    • Load the 'NTUSER.DAT' file from the SAS user's profile as 'temp'.
    • Under 'temp\Environment':
      • Create a new string value named 'ORACLE_HOME' with the value C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Oracle\Oracle Client SAS\network\admin.
      • Modify the 'Path' to include the same value.
    • Unload the hive and restart the machine.
  • Set the system variables as described above for TNS_ADMIN and the system Path.

8. ODBC Setup

  • Run the 64-bit ODBC Administrator as admin.
  • Under 'System DSN', add the following values:
    • Data Source Name: ODSP
    • Description: 64bit for ODSP
    • TNS Service Name: ODSP
    • User ID: The SAS user's database username (e.g., 'IRANALYST2').

9. SAS Installation

  • Navigate to: \\helix\Programs\SAS and run setup.exe.
    • Select "Install SAS Software."
    • Choose 9BRC9R (64-bit).
    • Select "Install SAS Foundation."
    • Choose "64-bit."
    • Select the 64-bit license (\\helix\Programs\SAS\Licenses 2024\SAS94_9CZRMS_70130718_Win_X64_Wrkstn.txt).
    • Only install English.
    • Choose "SAS Enterprise Guide."
    • For Internet Browser, select the path to Chrome (C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application).
    • For Java applets, create a folder C:\SAS\Graph.
    • Proceed with the default options.

Note: "SAS Bridge for Esri" might fail. Choose "Yes for All" when prompted.

Complete the installation, and SAS should be fully functional.